Limitless Elite Gym
Lifter's Corner
Welcome to your ultimate guide for meet day success at USA Powerlifting competitions! We've curated a wealth of invaluable tips and insights to ensure you're fully prepared to conquer the platform. Whether you're a seasoned powerlifter or stepping onto the stage for the first time, our expert advice will help you navigate every aspect of meet day with confidence and excellence. Let's unlock your potential and make your powerlifting journey truly remarkable.

Meet Day Order
1. Check In
As soon as you enter the building on meet day, go to the front desk and register. You will get your athlete card at this time.
2. Equipment Check
The line can be long and we do our best to be timely. Every athlete needs to do equipment check.
3. Weigh In
Weigh ins are done via lot number, when your name is called, BE READY. Remember, you need to bring all of your opening attempts IN KILOS.
4. Rack Heights
Your equipment is checked, you are weighed in. Now go eat then get your racks heights. You can enter them on Lifting Cast OR by going to the score table.
5. Warm Up
Know your body, know how you train and warm up accordingly. Find out where you land on Lifting Cast and be ready to hit the platform when your name is called.
Kilo Chart
Attempts must be submitted in 2.5kg Increments
Attempts must be submitted within 60 seconds after completing the previous attempt.

Lifter's Handbook
Follow the link below to download a PDF of the most up to date USA Powerlifting rulebook.
Did you have a great meet?
We pride ourselves in raising the bar for local competitions (pun intended).
If you had a great experience, please take a moment to leave us a google/facebook review. These reviews heavily impact our performance online and it is greatly appriciated.
If you did not have a great expereince, please reach out to me directly and tell me what we can do better. Don't be shy either, I want all the feedback i can get.
My email:

Limitless Meet Calendar
We are hosting at least one meet per month at Limitless in 2024 as well as some special events. Take a look at the link below.
First time meet?
Here are a few things to consider as you prepare:
REGISTRATION: You will check in with the registration table, present your Photo ID and your USA Powerlifting Card. You will then get a Lifter Card, you will take this card with you to weigh-ins. (Note, you can’t weigh in until you have this card, therefore registration begins 30 minutes prior to weigh-ins).
RACK HEIGHTS: While waiting to weigh in, get your rack heights for both squat and bench. You will want to have this written on your Lifter Card
OPENING ATTEMPTS: In PENCIL write your opening attempts on your card in KILOS (remember, opening attempts can be changed up to 3 minutes prior to the start of your flight if needed)
When converting your pounds to kilos, kilo weights must be in 2.5kg increments, so be prepared to round up or down. (i.e., want to open with 160lbs? You will need to either put down 72.5kg or round down to 70kg or up to 75kg)
WEIGH-INS: Bring your Photo ID and Lifter Card. Wear something easy to take off for weigh-ins, there are lifters waiting, so the quicker you (and your fellow competitors) can get in and out of the weigh-ins, the faster you can eat and prepare for your competition.
GEAR CHECK: Your lifting gear (singlets, t-shirts, knee sleeves, etc.) will be inspected and approved prior to the start of the competition
T-shirt (either blank or with an approved logo, like Titan, Inzer, SBD) – Bring an extra
Lifting belt
Knee sleeves
Knee socks
Lifting shoes (Squat and Deadlift)
Wrist wraps
Chalk (provided, but it’s good to have your own)
Baby powder (deadlifts)
**USA Powerlifting MEMBERSHIP CARD** (print it, sign it, and bring it to the meet – You can show it on your SmartPhone too)
Photo ID
Opening Attempts (in kilos)
Bring snacks for the entire day. You will want to eat between disciplines, keep fueling the body.
Lbs. to kg table (Kilo Conversion Chart)
Knowledge is power! Take some time to read through the USA Powerlifting Technical Rules, this only benefits you as a lifter to know what you can and can’t do!
Review (and practice) commands for each lift:
Squat: Squat/Rack
Bench: Start/Press/Rack
Dead: Down
Attempts: You will turn in your next attempt immediately following your exit from the platform. Remember, you can go up, stay the same (in the event you missed an attempt) or decline another attempt). You cannot go ‘down’ if you miss an attempt (open confident!)
Lifting: You have 60 seconds to get the Start command once the bar is loaded, be ready!
We drug test! Do not leave the meet until an announcement has been made that the athletes have been selected for testing. Failure to be present when requested will be considered a failure. If you have to leave, please check in with the meet director first.
Did you set an American Record? We need a copy of your Photo ID and for you to sign your Record Claim Form.
Awards are given at the end of the day! Stick around for your individual award, best lifter awards and the group photo at the end.